Functional Polymer Binders
Our Research
Polymer binders are a crucial component in the electrodes of batteries and fuel-cells to provide mechanical strength and interconnected structures to the electrodes. Although they only occupy 2–5% of the weight , they play a key role for the improvement of performance, cycle life, safety and sustainability of next-generation electrochemical energy storage devices.
Dr. Nerea Casado
Research Line Manager
Our Objective
Our aim is to develop novel polymer binders with multifunctionality, such as, ionic and/or electronic conductivity, flexibility and self-healing properties, as well as improving the sustainability of battery manufacturing by developing water-processable and biopolymer-based binders.
Dr. Nerea Casado
Paula García
Karol Jodogziński
Dr. Izabela Kurowska
Dr. David Mecerreyes
Ana Clara Rolandi
Hegoi Urretabizkaia
Selected Articles
S. Vauthier, M. Alvarez-Tirado, G. Guzmán-González, S. Cotte, L. Castro, A. Guéguen, D. Mecerreyes & N. Casado. High performance pyrrolidinium-based polymer binders for Li-ion and Li-air batteries. Materials Today Chemistry 2023 27, 101293. DOI:
R. Del Olmo, T. Mendes, M. Forsyth & N. Casado. Mixed Ionic and Electronic Conducting Binder of PEDOT:PSS and Organic Ionic Plastic Crystals toward Carbon-Free Solid-State Battery Cathodes. J. Mater. Chem. A. 2022 10, 19777-19786. DOI: