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1st Iberian Symposium on Functional Organic Polymers held in Aveiro, Portugal

New article in ACS Applied Polymer Materials “Lithium Single-Ion Copolymer Nanoparticle Design for Salt-Free Quasi-Solid-State Electrolytes”


Congratulations to Alex for the recent publication in ACS Appl. Polymers journal!
And thank to all co-authors for the great collaboration

1st Iberian Symposium on Functional Organic Polymers held in Aveiro, Portugal

Ana Clara Rolandi, Tijs Lap, Sharon Monaci and Pierre Stigliano defended their phd!


We are happy to announce that Ana Clara, Tijs, Sharon and Pierre succesfully defended their Ph.D. thesis this month!

Announcing the Winner of the Best TOC Award 2024! 🏆


 We are thrilled to announce the winner of the 2024 Best TOC Award of the group: Jon López de Lacalle, congratulations! 👏
His TOC to illustrate the application of polyDES as anticorrosive coatings was strategically designed to win this prize. 😉

The quality of the Table of Contents is increasing every year! Here you can see all the finalist and Jon receiving the prize in the first group meeting of the year.

IMIL2024, Coimbra, Portugal.


Our group had a fantastic representation at the 7th Iberoamerican Meeting on Ionic Liquids (IMIL2024) in Coimbra! A big shoutout to Maria Forsyth, David Mecerreyes, Jon López de Lacalle, Elena Gabirondo Amenabar, Yuliana Pairetti, and Hegoi Urretabizkaia for their contributions. 🎉 Especially proud to share that Yuliana Pairetti won one of the three Best Poster Awards among 100 participants! Congratulations, Yuliana!

Dr. Naroa Lopez succesfully defend her thesis.


🎓 Naroa López Larrea did an excellent job defending her thesis entitled: “Multifunctional and 3D printable PEDOT-based materials for bioelectronics”. ZORIONAK ❗ ❗

1st Iberian Symposium on Functional Organic Polymers held in Aveiro, Portugal

🔊 🔋 New article by Yuliana Pairetti on the development of fluorine-free proton conducting membranes!


New paper published by Yuliana Pairetti with Deakin University and Antonela Gallastegui, have a nice read about flourine-free proton conductive membranes!

Check it out! DOI=10.1039/D4PY01099J

CYBIOEL24, Limasol, Cyprus.


Our group members Naroa, Ilaria and Miryam partecipate at the nanoGe Conference on Bioelectronic Interfaces: Materials, Devices and Applications (CYBIOEL24) from 22nd to 25th of October 2024 in Limassol (Cyprus). Great people, wheather and endless networking.

Euskampus Eguna 2024, Bordeaux, France


Our group members Gabriele and Ilaria participated to the Euskampus Eguna 2024 at the University of Bordeaux, where we presented our ADAGIO projects! We had a good time and met our other colleagues of the ADAGIO from Bordeaux and Bilbao

1st Iberian Symposium on Functional Organic Polymers held in Aveiro, Portugal

Nerea Casado ISE Award Winner 2024


Our group member Nerea was awarded with the prestigious prize by the ISE for the electrochemical material science for this year 2024. The price underline her significant achievements in conducting and redox polymers and polymeric mixed ionic-electronic conductors for energy storage and  her research areas to bioelectronics!

1st Iberian Symposium on Functional Organic Polymers held in Aveiro, Portugal

Social activity 2024


Super nice day spent with the group member visiting La Rioja, from wine yards to wineries to wine(s). Our motto: work hard, happy and in team, totally accomplished!

1st Iberian Symposium on Functional Organic Polymers held in Aveiro, Portugal

International Symposium on Polymer Electrolytes (ISPE-18)


🌏 🔋 Great representation of the group in The International Symposium on Polymer Electrolytes (ISPE-18) Conference (https://www.ispe18.com) hold in Malaysia last week.

With the talks of Prof. David Mecerreyes, Prof. Maria Forsyth and Dr. Gabriele Lingua the research activities of the group were very well received by the audience.

1st Iberian Symposium on Functional Organic Polymers held in Aveiro, Portugal

New webpage for the IONBIKE 2.0


New web page for the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Staff Exchanges project funded by the European Union. We have four years ahead to carry out secondments and develop EUTECTOGELS . Check it out here –> https://ionbike.eu

1st Iberian Symposium on Functional Organic Polymers held in Aveiro, Portugal



Group members jouned the ALBA syncrotron in Barcelona for SAXS and WAXS measurement in the NCD beamline.

1st Iberian Symposium on Functional Organic Polymers held in Aveiro, Portugal

New article on solid polymer electrolites for sodium batteries


New paper published by Pierre Luca Stigliano with Deakin University and Antonela Gallastegui triblock copolymers on the development of polymer electrolytes for Sodium batteries!

Check it out! DOI=10.3390/batteries10040125

1st Iberian Symposium on Functional Organic Polymers held in Aveiro, Portugal

Now we are on linkedin


📣 The Innovative Polymers Group is now on Linkedin!!!

👍 Follow us to be informed about our news and activities!

1st Iberian Symposium on Functional Organic Polymers held in Aveiro, Portugal

New perspective paper from our group


Don’t miss this Perspective article on the development of polymers for batteries published by David Mecerreyes, Nerea Casado, Maria Forsyth with Irune Villaluenga.

➡ In this article, the current trends in the design of polymers for battery applications including binders for electrodes, porous separators, solid electrolytes, and redox-active electrode materials are discussed!

1st Iberian Symposium on Functional Organic Polymers held in Aveiro, Portugal

1st PhD Day at the Chemistry Faculty


Last Friday our talented PhD students participated in the first PhD Day that was held at the Faculty of Chemistry of the Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea.

Naroa López Larrea, Sergio J. Peñas Núñez and Alejandro Herranz had the opportunity to present a poster and Rajat Rai gave an oral presentation on 3D Printable Conducting and Biocompatible inks.